Control Laser Corp

Orlando,  FL 
United States
  • Booth: 824

The Laser Experts Since 1965

Control Laser, founded in 1965, became a member of Han*s Laser group in 2012 which is the largest laser equipment manufacturer in the world. Our focus is to provide the highest quality laser products and services to our customers worldwide. Our headquarters is located in Orlando, Florida, USA.

We specialize in standardized and customized laser system solutions for part marking, engraving, coding, serialization, cutting, drilling, welding, wire stripping, and everything in between. Control Laser offers the largest selection of wavelength lasers, capabilities, optics, and components available on the market today. With outstanding service and support with over 53 years of laser experience, we are committed to your laser needs.

Our FALIT® (FA-Light) Failure Analysis Laser Inspection Tools are specifically designed with the semiconductor failure analysis and forensics labs in mind. Our laser tools are used for IC decapsulation, gel removal, cross-sectioning, and delidding components. By using our patented process, you can reduce your acid usage by more than 90%! Contact us today:

Brands: FALIT® Laser Semiconductor Decapsulation Systems, FA Cube, ProWriter Fiber Series, ProWriter CO2 Series, Tactical ArmsMark, AeroMark, IndustrialMark, Medical UDI-Mark, NoNic™ Laser Wire Strippers