Protection Controls, Inc.

Skokie,  IL 
United States
  • Booth: 927

Protection Controls, Inc. has been manufacturing electrical safety equipment for over 65 years. We have a complete line of single and multiple burner PROTECTOFIER Combustion Safeguards for supervision of fuel-fired burners in industrial process heating equipment. This type of electronic safety control is required to comply with State, Local, and National codes. These rugged industrial grade controls are field serviceable with plug-in components featuring high signal strength and provide safe and secure operation while reducing the possibility of system shutdown.

PROTECTOFIER: Single and Multiple Burner Combustion Safeguards. MINI-UNIFIED: Packaged Single Burner Safeguard with Push-buttons and Lights. UNIFIED: Combustion Safeguard Control Panels. IGNIFIER: Ignition Systems. P-C II: U-V Scanners. TELE-FAULT II: First Outage Fault Finder Annunciator

Brands: PROTECTOFIER: Single and Multiple Burner Combustion Safeguards. MINI-UNIFIED with Push-buttons and Lights. P-C II: U-V Scanners. TELE-FAULT II: First Outage Fault Finder Annunciator

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